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How Long Can Your AC Run Continuously?

Andrew Knatcal • Apr 11, 2024

Living in Las Vegas, we all know the heat isn't joking around. Your AC is pretty much your best friend, right? But have you ever wondered if it's okay to keep it running all day and night? It's a big question because, let’s face it, we all want to stay cool without breaking our AC or our bank account. 

So, we're here to break it down for you—no jargon, just the stuff you need to know about keeping your cool efficiently. Stick with us, and let's figure out how to keep your home comfy without overworking your AC.

What Is the Limit Of Use For Your AC?

Think of your AC like a marathon runner. It is built to last and handle the heat, but even the best athletes need to rest. Your AC works hard to keep your place cool, especially in the Vegas heat, but it's not designed to run non-stop, 24/7.

Your AC cools your home in cycles. It turns on, gets your home to a nice, cool temperature, and then takes a break. This cycle keeps your home comfortable without overworking the system. But if your AC never stops, it's like asking that marathon runner to sprint without a break. 

Eventually, it's going to wear out faster, and nobody wants that.

For a fact, running your AC all the time can lead to a few headaches like:

  • Bigger energy bills: More running time means more power used. And we all know that means higher bills. 

  • More repairs: Just like running a car non-stop would lead to more breakdowns, the same goes for your AC. 

  • Shorter AC life: We want our ACs to last as long as possible, right? Giving it breaks can help make that happen.

So, while it might be tempting to keep your AC going full blast, especially when it feels like an oven outside, it’s good to know its limits. This way, you keep your home comfy, your bills in check, and your AC running smoothly for years to come.

The Risks of Overworking Your AC

We all love the feeling of walking into a chilled room after being out in the Vegas sun. But keeping that cool vibe going non-stop? That's where you’d run into some trouble. 

However, don’t fret when something happens to your AC because we offer prompt and effective
Las Vegas AC repair.

Let's talk about what happens when your AC is pulling all-nighters and day-shifts without a break:

  • Increased energy bills: It’s straightforward—more operation time leads to higher energy consumption.


  • Accelerated wear and tear: Continuous use places your AC under constant stress, similar to driving a car non-stop at high speeds. This relentless operation can lead to quicker degradation of parts, necessitating more frequent repairs and potentially shortening the lifespan of your unit.

  • Reduced efficiency and comfort: Ironically, an overworked AC may start to struggle to maintain a consistent cooling effect throughout your home. You might notice less effective cooling or uneven temperatures, which can actually detract from your comfort levels over time.

  • Shortened lifespan of the AC: Every machine has its limits, and your AC is no exception. Constantly pushing it to work without breaks can significantly reduce its operational lifespan, leading to the need for a replacement sooner than expected.

Tips to Avoid Overworking Your AC

Keeping your home cool is essential, but so is doing it in a way that doesn't overwork your AC. Overburdening your system can lead to unnecessary repairs, higher energy costs, and a shorter lifespan for your unit. Check out these pro tips that can help your AC usage:

1. Smart Thermostat Settings

A smart thermostat can be a game-changer. Adjusting it to be a bit warmer when you're away and cooler when you're home can make a big difference in energy use and wear on your AC.

2. Regular Maintenance 

Routine checks are crucial for an efficient AC system. We provide professional AC maintenance services to ensure your AC isn’t working harder than it needs to. From checking filters to ensuring everything’s running smoothly, we’re here to keep your AC in peak condition.

3. Upgrade Insulation

Good insulation means your AC doesn’t have to fight so hard against the heat. Check for leaks around doors and windows and consider beefing up insulation where needed.

4. Use Ceiling Fans

Ceiling fans can be a great partner for your AC. They help distribute cool air more evenly, allowing you to set the AC a bit higher and still stay comfortable.

5. Block Out the Sun

Simple things like closing curtains or blinds during the hottest parts of the day can lower the temperature in your home, easing the load on your AC. 

Your Partner in Comfort: 32 Degrees at Your Service 

At 32 Degrees, we understand that keeping cool in Las Vegas isn’t just about blasting the AC; it’s about smart and efficient comfort. With years of experience under our belts, we’ve mastered the art of maintaining optimal home temperatures, even in the fiercest summer heat. So, if you need help with maintaining your AC, look no further than us. We are available around the clock to ensure you don’t get frustrated by the Vegas heat. 

Also, when you need
ac repair in Las Vegas, trust us to provide prompt, expert service to get your system back up and running smoothly. Choose 32 Degrees for a cooler home and peace of mind, all summer long.

Ready to work with 32 Degrees Heating and Air Conditioning?

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